Popular Festivities of Ecuador
All the popular festivals of Ecuador according to the 2019 Calendar
Popular festivals promote tourism in Ecuador, plublicizing the culture, tradition, customs and identity of a people.
- January 1 to 6 The devilish of Pillaro - Tungurahua: Men dressed as devils take the city accompanied by folk dances and troupes.
- January 6 Kings Day Ambato, Cuenca, Gatazo Grande, Licá,
- Tsisaleo and Capli: Celebrated with masses honoring the son of God, Christmas carols, processions, fireworks, village bands and dances.
- January 15 Fiesta de San Sebastián Carchi - Tufiño: Performed novenas and rosaries to decorate San Sebastián.
- January 21 Festivities of Santa Fé de Galan Chimborazo: The Feast of parochialization 1988.
- January 25 Festivities of Urcuquí Urcuquí - Imbabura: With riders and dances celebrates the cantonization of the place.
- January to March Yucca Festival in the Amazon - Amazon: yucca-based beer is made, also the sound of the drum is celebrated.
- February 4 Feast of the Lord of the Earthquake - Patate - Tungurahua: Party in honor of the patron of the Spring Valley.
- February 2 Feast of the Virgin of Charity - Carchi - MIra: Fireworks, dances, national ball games and crazy cow rodeos.
- February 12 Ecuadorian East Ecuador Day: Anniversary of the "Discovery" of the Amazon River also celebrated as the day of the Amazon.
- February 18 Galapagos Provincialization Festivals Galapagos: With parade competitions, dances, etc; the parochialization of the place.
- February 27 Battle of Tarqui Ecuador: The Battle of Tarqui of 1829.
- March 02 to 05 Carnival in Ecuador Ecuador: the Ecuadorian Carnival is full of tradition with parades, cariocas, couplets and much more.
- February to March Pawkar Raymi Flowering Festival Ecuador: It is done to give thanks to the land for the flowering of plants and it is the time to harvest a variety of tender fruits.
- Pawkar Raymi in Chimborazo Chimborazo
- Pawkar Raymi in Otavalo Otavalo
- Pawkar Raymi in Loja Loja
- Pawkar Raymi in Riobamba Riobamba
- April 13 to 15 Kasama of the Tsachila Santo Domingo Community : They mark the beginning of a new year, its traditions being the ones that they stand out, with their unique dress and dance
- April 19-21 Chimborazo Agricultural and Livestock Fair : Celebration with folk dances, parades, allegorical floats, etc.
- April 21 Festival of the Chonta Archidona - Napo: It is celebrated during the biggest production of the chonta; an Amazonian fruit.
- May 1 International Labor Day Ecuador: March in the main cities.
- May 2 Festival of the Crosses Bolivar - Imbabura: this day is celebrated with village bands, parades and special programs.
- May 1 to 31 Rumiñahui Cantonization Festivities - Pichincha: Performance of parades, queen election and much more in honor of their cantonization.
- May 3 Celebration of the Cherimoya Puná - Guayas: Entertainment, food, exhibition and selection of the best fruit in Puná.
- May 24 Battle of Pichincha Pichincha - Quito: Commemoration of the Battle of Pichincha of 1822. Parades and cultural events are held throughout the country.
- June 15 Corpus Cristi Pujilí - Cotopaxi: It is celebrated with dancers natives, troupes and dance festivals.
- June 21-24, Inti Raymi Ecuador: Summer Solstice Festivities, which coincides with the time of product maturation, and it is the harvest time.
- Inti Raymi in Cañar Cañar - Ingapirca
- Inti Rami in Otavalo Otavalo
- Inti Raymi in Imbabura Imbabura
- Inti Raymi in Tungurahua Tungurahua
- Inti Raymi in Cotopaxi Cotopaxi
- Inti Raymi in Chimborazo Chimborazo
- Inti Raymi in Loja Loja
- Inti Raymi in Cayambe Pichincha, Sangolquí and Mitad del Mundo
- 21 to 29 June Popular San Pedro Toros de Pichincha -
- Cayambe: Bullfighting tradition dedicated to the patron saint, San Pedro.
- July 3 Popular Bulls of Pillaro Píllaro. Tungurahua: Celebrate its cantonization with the traditional village bulls.
- July Fiestas Julianas Guayas - Guayaquil: The fiestas of Guayaquil They are in commemoration of the Guayaquil Foundation.
- July 21 Paseo del Chagra in Machachi - Mejía: Dances, bulls, bands, typical food and agricultural fair.
- August Festivities of the Patron Saint San Jacinto Yaguachi - Guayas: A very important tradition realized with the collaboration of a countless number of pilgrims in honor of the saint.
- August 5 to 7 Feast of the Virgin of the Snow Chimborazo, Manabi and Carchi: Celebration with religious ceremonies, fires artificial, clowns and folkloric presentation.
- August 10 First Cry of Independence Ecuador: Military parades are held throughout the country; also in Quito August is the Month of Arts and Culture. Free art spaces and exhibitions are presented throughout the city, in addition in the evening and night of August 9th the Libertarian Evening takes place, in which the whole Historic Center dresses up, there is only a pedestrian crossing, all museums provide free admission, free guided tours, and in all squares there are concerts and artistic presentations of diverse nature.
- August 24 to 25 Kakon Wiiñaë Shushufindi Festival - Sucumbíos: Event that represents the beginning of a new year.
- September 6 to 14 Festival of the Jora Imbabura - Cotacachi: The Festival is enlivened with folk dances, typical meals and the choice of the best Chicha de Jora.
- September 8-12, Festival of Corn and Tourism Sangolquí - Rumiñahui: Horse races, dances and balconies are held, the artisan fair, dew carts, the gastronomic festival, the Chacarero ride and popular bullfight.
- September 20-26 Machala International Banana Fair - El Oro: Ecuador celebrates the International Banana Fair, as it is the The world's leading banana producer, the best fruits are shown here.
- September 22 Killa Raymi Tambo - Cañar: Andean Festival of the femininity, in this Andean a thanksgiving holiday for the moon and the earth for its fruitfulness, thanks to the Pachamama or Mother Earth for receiving the corn seed.
- September 24-28 Imbabura Lakes Festival: Parades, folk dances, car races around the Yahuarcocha lagoon, beauty constests, international agricultural and industrial exhibition.
- September 2 to 15 Feasts of Yamor Otavalo - Imbabura: Otavalo natives celebrate for the obtained harvest: corn, barley, wheat, beans, quinoa, beans, etc.
- September 23 to 28 Feasts of the Black Mama Latacunga - Cotopaxi: It takes place in November for devotees to the Most Holy Tragedy and in the month of September as the anniversary of independence.
- October 1 to 7 Festival of the Fox Hunt Imbabura - Ibarra: In this popular festival a character in disguise is persecuted. Dances and comparsas are performed in the city and this marks the end of the founding festivities of Ibarra.
- October 4 to 10 Durán Fair Durán - Guayaquil: Several exhibitions of various business and industrial sectors, concerts and craft fairs are held.
- October 9 October Parties Guayaquil - Guayas: In Commemoration of the Independence of Guayaquil
- October 15 Festivals of Victory Salitre - Guayas: Tribute to the parochialization of the place with parades, election of queen, solemn session and more.
- October 12 Montubio Rodeo Los Ríos - Babahoyo: Festivities accompanied by a lot of color with typical costumes, where they parade and horse riders compete.
- October 13 Festival of San Lorenzo parochialization of San Lorenzo de Garaicoa - Samborondón: Anniversary of the Parish which highlights its cuisine as its traditional dry chicken.
- October 13 Festivals of Puná - Guayas: Anniversary of parochialization with parades and artistic shows.
- October 13 Parish Festivities of Zhud- Zhud - Cañar: Traditional acts in civic form are made by remembering its parochialization each year.
- November 2: Throughout Ecuador, the day of the deceased: locals leave flower placement ceremonies in cemeteries. In the Andean villages and in some communities of the country the entire families attend the cemetery to honor their dead, to eat, drink and deposit offerings in memory of their deceased relatives; the typical foods are bread, chil-shaped bread and colada morada.
- November 3: Holiday for the Independence of Cuenca (Azuay), characterized by processions, exhibitions, dances and other cultural events.
- In Latacunga (Cotopaxi) the festival of the Black Mama is celebrated with parades, various cultural events and popular bullfights.
- November 11: The Black Mama, Latacuanga in the province of Cotopaxi, known as the Holy Tragedy is a symbiosis of Indigenous, Spanish and African cultures.
- Saturdays of November: Bulls of the Lord of Giron, in Giron, Azuay Province.
- November 21: Virgin of Quinche in the Province of Pichincha the image of Our Lady of the Presentation of Quinche is celebrated. It is a beautiful wood sculpture, carved in 1588 by Don Diego de Robles, extraordinary artist to whom are attributed other images of Mary and which are of great popularity and veneration.
- December 6 Quito Festivals Quito - Pichincha: Festivity that commemorates the Spanish foundation of the city.
- December 13 Festival of San Carlos Naranjal - San Carlos: Festivities in honor of the parish noted for its cocoa and banana crops.
- December 26 to 31 April Fool's Day and end of the year Imbabura
- Ibarra: Promotes cultural values with parades and dances of the place, highlighting their traditional masks.
Which are the popular festivities of Ecuador?
Celebrations like Corpus Christi, Saint Juan, Saint Pedro and Saint Paul, with religious and pagan characteristics, which occur in the month of June in almost all the indigenous populations of the mountains. Famous festivities are those in Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Cañar, Azuay and Loja, where characters like the dancers with their huge plumes or heads decorated with mirrors, sequins and peacock feathers; the aya huma (diabluma or devil huma) with its mask of two fronts; the aruchicos usually take the main square of the town and that dance with the cowbells that they carry on their backs, the devils and clowns, attract the attention of the spectators.
To these festivals typical of the Ecuadorian Provinces add a vast list of important festivals like the one of the Black Mama that is celebrated in Latacunga, that of La Chonta in the Amazon, the traditional Rodeo Montubio on the coast, the Guaranda Carnival, the Feast of Flowers and Fruits in Ambato, that of the Diablada in Píllaro, that of the Yuca in Sarayacu,
Pastaza province, the Processional Walk of the Chagra in Machachi, the Yamor in Otavalo, the pass of the Child of God in Cuenca; in which it manifests the cultural roots that are part of the counttie’s identity.
These traditions have prevailed over time, therefore Ecuadorians must present them for future generations to know, live, enjoy and value these popular expressions to prevent the cultural legacy from disappearing. It should also be noted that during all the holidays in their provinces they highlight its unmistakable and infallible Typical Dishes of Ecuador contributing as always tourist wealth and especially traditional among the which stand out:
Typical food of Esmeraldas, Typical food of Santa Elena, Typical Food of Pastaza, Typical food of Galapagos, Typical food of Loja, Typical food of Cotopaxi , Typical food of Manabi, Typical food from Guayas .
What are the popular festivals of Ecuador?
In the most remote populations of Ecuador, one of the smallest in the continent, you can still find groups of people who celebrate with great excitement the popular festivals that are held at throughout the year and for different reasons. Hence it is surprising that there are more festivals than days in the year and that the calendar, Ecuadorian folk is so wide and so varied. This is how there are parties religious, folk, employer, fixed, agrarian, etc.
What are the traditional celebrations of Ecuador?
The origin of these celebrations is very old, even many of them date from before the arrival of the Incas and the Spaniards. With the Spanish conquest, the Catholic religion, in its attempt to attract followers in the Americas, found in the indigenous festivals its most perfect ally to introduce the new dogma. That's why the purely indigenous expressions that characterized the village festivities, day by day were merging with elements outside the local culture as a product of syncretism that occurred hundreds of years ago.
Popular Festivals of Ecuador
Nowadays, it is very common to find a mixture in the indigenous festivals with characters and manifestations that respond to the acculturation that ancestors were subject to, but it cannot be denied that the popular festivals still maintain their great color in each their details.
The costumes of the main characters are very striking, the music toned to the beat of the pingullo, the drum, the flute, the guitar and the rondador give the touch of joy and encourage participants. So too, the burning of the chamiza, the fireworks, the crazy cows, castles, abundant food and drinks that with great generosity offer the priostes to the companions.
It is truly admirable that even when we are in the 21st century,
Indigenous peoples still continue to celebrate their holidays in honor of Gods of their ancestors. Such is the case of Inti Raymi Festival or festivities of the sun, which celebrates at the summer solstice where they are given thanks to the God Inti for the abundant crops and the Pachamama for caring and bless the crops.
The 10 Best Popular Parties of the Ecuador

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