Intiñan Museum

Intiñan Solar Museum
The museum is located in the Middle of the World, to the northwest of the capital city Quito, in the province of Pichincha.
Intiñan Museum has for you an interactive tour, where you will learn about our ancestral villages’ history, to the magnificent effects that the sun produces in our solar cylinder. Travel to the past through our centuries-old huts, discover and understand the physical phenomena of the earth with our didactic examples, observe the path of the sun (Intiñan) in the Acoratene, and of course enjoy a natural and privileged environment. Our main objective is to rescue a new image of the existence of a geographical center about the ancestral worldview and an ethnoecological habitat in the Middle or Center of the world.
What should you know?
- Address: 200 meters from the Middle of the World circle, via Calacalí
- Office hours: Monday to Sunday 09:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Prices:
adults USD 4.00
children under 12 years old USD 2.00
Intiñan Amazon huts
In Intiñan Site Museum, there is a replica of the houses that have the ancestral villages that live in the Amazon such as:
Shuar hut
- In this one the guide explains to the tourists, about the way to carry out the tzanza, and they even invite the visitors to participate, under the motto do not lose your head, this interesting explanation allows us to unveil the mysteries of this culture settled in the Ecuadorian east.
Huarani hut
- The construction of the Huarani house was a valuable contribution of the Huao community, which were installed in the museum for approximately 15 days to carry out this work. The properties that the hut has are multifamily in nature, and they are the exact reefs of the homes observed in the Amazon, even when visiting them you have the feeling of being in the Ecuadorian east.
Kichwa hut
- The form of distribution of its space is different from the Huarani, this hut has a floor, and they have openings that also serve as windows. This construction is very valuable, like Huarani housing, this hut was made by the Kichwas community.
Ágora Zámbiza 3000
- The construction of this agora is in order to perform rites, celebrations, parties, cultural and ancestral manifestations that take place in the Intiñan, it has a capacity to accommodate up to 500 people, especially during the solstice or equinox, you can observe these cultural expressions. The name chosen as Zámbiza 3000 is due to the Zámbiza dump where scrap metal accumulates, and as you can see the sculptures made are made of recycled or waste material.
- It is the name of a cylindrical construction, worked for 8 years, this construction is based on the way our ancestors had to see at the time of the solstice (March 21 and September 22 or 23) and equinox (June 21 and December 21 ), and could be observed on their respective dates.
But this cylinder has a great mystery according to its location, discover about this interesting information.

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