Quito Cable Car
Know everything about the Quito - Ecuador cable car, find here prices, opening hours, address, how to get there as well as the activities that You can perform and much more.

Cable Car, knowing Quito from the highest place
For over 20 minutes you can get a wonderful view of the cityQuito, cheer up and live a pleasant presence with your family or friends.
The Quito cable car is located in the city of Quito , it is known since 2005 as Telefériqo (pun for "cable car" and "Quito") being this one listed as the highest in South America.
Cable Car Recommendations
If you want to have a pleasant visit you must make sure you take with you next items:
- Waterproof and warm clothing
- Water
- Something sweet, because of the temperature
- Mountain shoes
- Glasses
- Sunscreen
Quito Cable Car: Opening Hours and Prices
- It is recommended to visit the place early, since the line is usually a bit long and especially during the weekends.
- Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Weekends from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 09h00 - 20h00
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 08h00 - 20h00
• Quito Cable Car prices 2019
- Individual rates
- $ 8.50 USD adults
- $ 6.5 USD children
- $ 6.5 USD over 65 years
- $ 6.5 USD Persons with disabilities
- Promotional Rates
- $ 4.90 USD adults
- $ 3.60 USD teenager
- $ 2.50 USD children
- $ 2.5 USD over 65 years
- $ 2 USD Persons with disabilities
* Present the Ecuadorian citizenship card
- Quito Cable Car Address: Av La Gasca and West - Street. Arnulfo Araujo and Av Occidental, Quito, Ecuador
Teleferico Quito how to get there
- By Bus You can take any bus that passes through the Av. Occidental.Once you arrive at the place you should walk approximately 15 minutes to get to the place where they sell the entrance tickets.
- In Taxi or Car: There are several parking lots and in this way It will be easier for you to arrive.
- Quito Cable Car telephone: (+593 2) 2222 996/2222 997
- Quito Pet Cable Car: Pet admission is accepted
Cableway Quito activities to perform
You have the opportunity to perform:
- Walks
- Hiking
- Trekking
- Cycling (the service to get your bike is charged)
- Climbing
- Photography
- Horseback riding (there are businesses that offer guided tours)
- At the top of Cruz Loma overlooking the Cayambe, Antisana volcanoes ,
- Cotopaxi , Pasochoa, Rumiñahui, Rucu Pichincha
- Vulqano Park ( amusement park)
- Ecuadorian Gastronomy (Dishes from $ 3)

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