Cayambe Coca National Park
The Cayambe Coca National Park is a water reserve and habitat for multiple species (diversity of flora and fauna). It is located between the Amazon region and the mountains of Ecuador. Location, information and attractive features.

volcán cayambe

cascada San Rafael

lagunas de baños


lobo de páramo
Cayambe Ecological Reserve in Pichincha
- The Cayambe Coca ecological reserve is distributed in the provinces of Pichincha, Imbabura, Napo and Sucumbios. It was created on the 17th of November 1970
- It covers an area of 403,103 hectares, its climate varies according to altitude from 5 to 25 ° C.
- Large watershed systems originate from the top of the reserve , such as the Napo-Marañón-Amazonas river, its waters flow into the Atlantic Ocean and those of the Mira and Esmeraldas rivers, its waters enter the Pacific Ocean.
- Here you can see a rich vegetation consisting of meadows, impressive mountain formations such as the Antisana, with deers, wolves, rabbits and if you stop looking at the ground a variety of flowers with bight colors which are very impressive.
- The surface of the reserve is part of the so-called Ring or Belt of Pacific Fire, considering it as a region with high natural hazards, such as volcanic eruptions in the case of active volcano "El Reventador".
- Among the most important mountains of the Reserve is Cayambe, one of the mountains with highest levels of snow in Ecuador, Sarahurco, Puntas and Reventador, a young volcano with continued activity and fumaroles.
- Locationof the Cayambe Coca National Park: It is located between highlands and the North Amazon. It borders to the west with the moors of the Antisana (It covers the Antisana Ecological Reserve - REA) and the Cayambe, where the inter-Andean valleys of Chota and Guayllabamba rivers are born; to the south with the Tiopullo Knot; to the north with the La Bonita sector in the border with Colombia; and to the east with the Napo River basin.
Cayambe Coca National Park, How to get there?
Take the Pan-American highway north until you reach the city of Cayambe (78 km). From here you can access the following places:
- Cayambe refuge. Take the secondary road Juan Montalvo - El Hato - Pie Monte that leads to the refuge. Taking approximately 45 minutes to the checkpoint, required a large vehicle by the type of section.
- Oyacachi Take the road towards the Cangahua sector. This section is about 40 kilometers by a secondary road until you reach the Control Point. 15 minutes from this place find the town of Oyacachi.
- For places located towards the east, take the Quito - Papallacta - El Chaco route. From here you access the following places:
- Baños sector in Papallacta, next to the hot spring area, take the secondary route (5 km) that goes to the control post and access to the trails.
- San Rafael Waterfall. The entrance to the waterfall is 50 kilometers away from the population of El Chaco, the nearest town is San Luis.
Flora of the Ecological Reserve Cayambe
- Among the flora that characterizes the RECAY moors we have: taruga, cachu, chicory, chuquiragua, romerillo, lycopodium, achupalla and quinoa.
- Towards the north and center of the eastern part of the Cordillera, the dome has a height of between 20 and 30 meters and the trunks of the trees are covered with ferns, vascular epiphytes and mosses.
- A large evergreen forest, in the middle of an excellent flora, between those that highlight the forests of Polylepis and Alnus.
- Swampy moor, its plant composition is dominated by types of pillows, lycopodia, among others.
- More than 100 endemic plant species have been recorded, among which are found: apiaceae, araleaceae, asteraceae, asteraceae, brasicaceae, campanulaceae, campanulaceae, pteridophyta, melastomataceae, orchidaceae, poaceae.
Fauna of the Cayambe Ecological Reserve
- Mammals: spectacled bear, moor wolf, puma, montane cat or Andean, Andean cuchucho, dwarf deer, among others. In wetlands there are common and widespread species such as: common raposa, Andean big-eared bat, moor rabbit, among others.
- Endemic species of mammals: porcupine, common short-tailed mouse associated with wetlands, fishery or aquatic rat, Andean mouse of páramo, big eared mouse of Ecuador and Andean shrew.
- Birds: This reserve has 395 species of birds, a number that can grow because there are still unexplored places, especially at the foot. Many bird species have been identified in the wetlands of the area, such as: silver diver, pointed duck, large egret, lapwing, moor partridge, griffon gralaria.
- Cayambe Coca National Park endangered animals, the threatened species are: carunculated turkey, Andean pechigris toucan, military macaw, masgara mountain tanager, cotinga ventricastaña, pecaicobrizo jacamar, giant picocono, parakeet alipunteado, Andean condor.
- Amphibians and reptiles: in the highlands of cofán-bermejo, sinangoe and shishico there has been reported the presence of 17 species of toads and frogs, 1 of salamander, 1 of cichlid, 6 of snakes and 6 of lizards.
- In the forests around La Bonita and Rosa Florida, it is documented the presence of 65 species of amphibians and reptiles.
- The study list includes 28 frogs, 2 salamanders, a cichlid, 21 snakes and 13 lizards.
Attractions of the Cayambe Ecological Reserve
- Ñucanchi Turupamba Wetlands Complex: It is 50 km away from Quito, southwest of the Reserve, and consists of many micro basins and sub-basins located between 3,500 and 4,000 meters above the sea level. It covers an area of 12,290 hectares, of which 672 correspond to a lagoon area.
- Elevations: Within its limits there are four major elevations: Cayambe (5,790 masl), Reventador (3,485 masl), Sarahurco (4,725) and Puntas (4,425 masl).
- Puntas Hill: Has created 48 towers and peaks of between 100 and 150 meters, with intense styles at the top, that inspiredits name. It is accessed by the parish of El Quinche, from Checa there are narrow roads and only 4x4 cars can transit.
- Sucus lagoons: the lagoons from Sucus, Loreto, Baños and other small ones are widely visited and are located outside of the populated areas.
- Cuyuja Climbing Park: It is located in Cuyuja, passing Papallacta. It has a rare capacity in Ecuador to host athletic routes of up to two lengths and up to 75 meters high. The rock in this park it is excellent for climbing.
- Hot springs: We can name the Oyacachi that are inside from the reserve, with high temperature water from the Reventador volcano. Also, near the protected area, we find the hot springs of Papallacta, El Tambo, Jamanco and Santa Catalina.
- The Termas de Papallacta are volcanic waters (Antisana) and have high healing minerals. The temperature of these waters vary between 35 and 64 ° C.
- Watersheds: This reserve protects one of the main water sources of the country, since important watersheds originate here, such as Esmeraldas, Chota and Mira (in the northwest). Pascalakata, Cosanga, Quijos, Oyacachi, Salty, Coca, Aguarico, Napo and Pastaza(in the north and south of the Amazon).

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