Cave of the Tayos

Cave of the Tayos Ecuador
It is located in the Republic of Ecuador in the province of Morona Santiago , Canton Limón Indanza, this is a mountainous area knowns as the Cordillera del Cóndor .
The name of the cave of the Tayos is due to some nocturnal birds that inhabit the caves, these birds are from the Owl family called Tayos (Steatornis caripensis), these birds exist in very few caves in Latin America. The Tayos cave is in second place after the cave of the Phong Nha-Ke Bang national park in Vietnam.
The Salesian priest and filmmaker Carlo Crespi Croci (born in Italy) knew about the existence of the Cave of the Tayos by the 1920s, he had made a documentary about the Shuar natives in 1927. A variety of archeological pieces were found in the Cave by the priest and then they were exhibited in the Private Museum of Carlo Crespi Croci in Cuenca (Ecuador). The objects found deal with Mesopotamian culture, there are few photographs and videos documenting the Shuar and pre-Shuar times, because most of them where sold and others stolen when the Church caught fire in 1962.
Currently there are many wounds among local people who feel cheated and stolen by all researchers and tourists. There are many book's authors who have made a good fortune with the exhibition of the Caves of the Tayos but the local natives have not received any compensation or thanks for it.
After the "looting" of the metal plates, ceramics, boards, etc. The cave was completely without traces of life. From the little that there were signs of life has been extracted, leaving only geological formation stones. On the other hand the historical assets that have existed in the cave, have not been seen in any museum or exhibition, and there are no complaints for these goods to return to their place of origin.
That is what the Shuar Natives are not very open to let someone else enter, but It is possible to collaborate with the community development with a monetary compensation.
Stories about the Cave of the Tayos
The archaeologists Pedro Porras, Juan Moricz and other explorers have found signs of habitat in the Cave of the Tayos. The oldest civilization that was housed in these caves dates from the Upper Paleolithic (48,000-12,000 BC) where the cave provided protection during the end of the glaciation. Approximately 9000 years BC this civilization leaves the cave for the improvement of the climate and they go towards the south being located in the coastal part of Peru and the north of Chile.
At the time of the Neolithic (Recent Stone Age) the cave is once again inhabited, since 3000 years BC by a Pre-Shuar civilization, it is already using ceramic artifacts which was verified by the University of Munchen with a Carbon 14 test .
Approximately around 1500 BC begin the first Shuar to be located in the area and mix with the aborigines of the Cave. There is a record that up to 500 AD the cave is inhabited. From there until 1900 Tayos hunts are practiced once a year. The Shuar see the cave with a lot of respect and the believing that their ancestors spirits rest there.
Cave of the Tayos Neil Armstrong
.After the fantastic stories surrounding the Cave of the Tayos there were a series of expeditions that took place, the best known organized in 1976 by the Scottish adventurer Stan Hall, which included the former astronaut Neil Armstrong and important figures of archeology and research and the Ecuadorian Army.
This expedition develops a detailed exploration of the cave, which included a total staff of 120 people, spending approximately one week. A group of British explorers have extracted 4 large sealed wooden drawers without exposing to the Owners (the Shuars) their contents, reaching a level of weapons threats.
Then, more expeditions followed less frequently. The last expedition was in 2012 by the Polish explorer Yoris Jarzynskicual concluded that the formations of the cave are from natural geological origin.
In occultists publications has been asserted that the freemasonry of several countries would have been interested at the time in finding the fabulous metal library of Moricz. Neil Amstrong was an important 32nd grade Mason. Also a group of Mormons came to verify that the metal plates described in the book of the Prophet Joseph Smith are precisely those that existed according to Moricz in the Underground Cavern, since the Angel Moroni who mentions the book of Smith, called in a similar way to the province where the cave is located: Morona Santiago.
Tourist information
- Cave of the tayos location La Cueva de los Tayos está ubicada en la selva alta virgen a 2 km al sur del Rio Santiago y 800 metros al oriente del Río Coangos (Kuankus); según última medición en 2012 con altímetro GPS, está a 539 m sobre el nivel del mar. La cueva está situada en las tierras que pertenecen en la actualidad a los Indígenas Nativos del Centro sindical Kuankus (Coangos) - cuevas de los Tayos, y forma parte del territorio independiente de los Shuar Arutam. Las ciudades más cercanas son General Plaza, Mendez y Santiago. El ingreso se lo realiza bajo el permiso de la corporación Cueva de los Tayos en Kuankus Hay algunas alternativas para llegar a la cueva:
- Cave of the tayos location The Cave of the Tayos is located in the high virgin jungle 2 km south of the Santiago River and 800 meters east of the Coangos River (Kuankus); According to the last measurement in 2012 with GPS altimeter, it is 539 m above sea level. The cave is located on the lands that currently belong to the Native Indians of the Kuankus Trade Union Center (Coangos) - caves of the Tayos, and is part of the independent territory of the Shuar Arutam. The closest cities are General Plaza, Mendez and Santiago. The entry is made under the permission of the Cave of the Tayos corporation in Kuankus There are some alternatives to get to the cave:
- Cave of the tayos how to get there
- On foot or horse , from the Yukiantza village; There is a wooden bridge over the Namagoza River, which must be crossed, followed by a 300 m climb and a subsequent descent to the Zamora River. Here there is another wooden bridge followed by a road of 8.5 km to Coangos.
- By boat , from Yukiantza you can access the Santiago River to Coangos Bajo.
- By helicopter , from Macas, where there is a helipad.
- Cave of the Tayos tour
Cave of the Ecuadorian tayos aliens underground - ancestral aliens
- Where do extraterrestrial beings come from? Many of them are already here, on artificial bases that they conditioned in our Solar System, including Earth. They are usually established in large underground galleries and, in the case of our world, in the ocean floor. Their origin is varied, since they not only come from 'other worlds', but they move from other dimensions or realities. But if we have to point out some place in the Cosmos, as a key sector of the extraterrestrial visit, we would inevitably have to look with other eyes at the constellation Orion or the Pleiades stars.
- Who are these underground beings you speak of? There would be large cavities in the cortex where highly evolved beings, perhaps descendants of civilizations disappeared, have settled to our times guarding in their secret homes the true history of humanity. The Earth is not hollow, nor do they live 'inside' the Earth, but on perfectly conditioned bases like the ones we have built in Norway to preserve seeds.
- What is Shambhala and how is it entered? It would be the first intra-terrestrial city. According to old Buddhist legends, it would have been established thousands of years ago in the current Gobi desert in Mongolia. I was in the desert and I can assure you that your magic is supernatural. Lamas say that you can enter both physically and spiritually if we open the heart. Those sacred centers or 'entrances' to inner worlds are also found in the jungles and Andes of South America. A case par excellence, in Ecuador, is the Cave of the Tayos. Ricardo González researcher of the UFO phenomenon
The Tayos
- Erich Von Danniken was interested in the discovery and even made an expedition to the Tayos cave so that shortly thereafter he wrote a book (the gold of the gods), perhaps with the intention of its success, he imagined a very advanced ancient civilization of aliens that inhabited the Earth 250,000 years ago, and that a library with the history of humanity of the last 250,000 years awaits in the cave. The book was a great success with more than 5 million readers, but a great imagination was revealed by the writer.
- A “conspiranoia" runs among the most conspiracy and is that the cave of the Tayosta was also visited by Neil Armstrong, the first astronaut who set the moon. According to the conspiracy Neil Armstrong belonged to the Freemasons and the intention of his expedition that was composed of a team in principle British-Ecuadorian but that was not so, if not that it was a British-American group funded by world elites and powers to hide what was in the cave. The Illuminatis were after the expedition and Neil Armstrong was sent for an American national anniversary event. The anniversary was a pretext to send one of the men who had found in the Moon vestiges of ancient civilizations on the Moon and could compare what was found in the cave of the Tayos with what was discovered in the missions of the Moon hidden from humanity. In these missions, ruins were found on the Moon and then they were erased from existence in order to continue hiding the information from humanity and continue with the world power which the world elites hold thanks to hiding the information, or another version is that they are afraid of how humanity would react to this information from the past and for this reason the truth is hidden.
- We cannot prove that these conspiracy theories are true or just about the imagination of some, but they are not discarded as true either, since many enigmas are hidden and revealed after 30 or 40 years, such as the last UFO files revealed by the FBI Why are they revealed now? After 40 years, perhaps now we are more prepared so that they can be revealed, these are other topics that we will discuss in future articles, I hope you understand what I mean.
- The cave of the Tayos located in Ecuador is full of conspiracy mysteries and theories but the truth is that the metal plates found in this place are very mysterious and give free rein to the imagination until they are deciphered or make some other surprising finding on the site and be revealed to mankind.

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