Nono Tourism

San Miguel de Nono is part of the rural parishes of the Metropolitan District of Quito, it is a privileged place for having an ecological reservation as a protected area where there is great biodiversity, and its Andean forests - jungle. It is a place wanted by tourists who like to enjoy nature and adventure activities.
Nono parochialization: August 13, 1720.
- The products of the Parish of Nono are corn, barley, beans, white carrot, yellow carrot, potatoes, beans, mellocos, geese, peas, pumpkins, sambos.
- Fruits found in Nono: guagramora (large blackberries), motilon, mortiño, monte taxo, chigualcan, uvilla, blackberry.
- Nono climate: Its climate varies between 12 and 18 degrees C.
Nono Limits
- North: Calacalí parish
- South: Mindo and Lloa parishes
- East: Cotocallao Parish
- West: Nanegalito and Mindo
Nono Location
- The parish of Nono is located on the slopes of the Pichincha volcano at 2724 meters above sea level 18 km from the capital of Quito
- It was established as an ecclesiastical parish in 1660.
Don't know how to get there? To reach the parish of Nono, the vehicles a move along the South - North lane of Mariscal Sucre Avenue (in the extreme north 1 km before reaching the Condado Shopping Center), on the Occidental avenue there are large signs (Ecoruta Paseo del Quinde) , this is the entrance to the Mena del Hierro neighborhood and following that route you reach the tourist destination.
Tourist Nono because its lands are crossed by the Pichán and Alambi rivers.
Nono Tourist Places
Nono Cultural and Natural Heritage
- Yanacocha Reserve: The first contact with biodiversity in this parish, it is specified in the Yanacocha Ecological Reserve which has 946 hectares of primary forest, where the Polylepis or paper tree that adorns the trails and also allows you to admire dozens of species of hummingbirds, such as Pechinegro zamarrito, an emblematic bird of Quito. Birdwatching with 27 hummingbird varieties and 10 km from Rundupamba.
- Cochata green reserve. It is another reservation to visit and enjoy the hiking and horseback riding along paths that cross this reserve that welcomes the river and waterfall of the same name, the latter has a fall of water of 90 meters and for its temperature, this natural attraction, is an excellent place to take an energizing bath. Animal observation and sports fishing.
- Nono Waterfalls: Two waterfalls are known in Nono, the first one is Guacrapamba Waterfall, which is located via Alambi. The second one is the Chaupiurco waterfall.
- Virgen del Camino Tourist Center.
- San Miguel de Nono Church
- • “El Quinde” Route
- Reserve “Jocotoco”
- Visit the Eco Route that starts on the eastern flanks of the Pichincha, it is another tourist option that offers this unique destination for nature tourism that combines three ecosystems in its geography: wasteland, the eyebrow of the forest and the humid forest, which provide a beautiful landscape, they are home to 450 species of birds, 50 species of mammals and numerous species of frogs and butterflies, which turns Nono into a region of great biological wealth.
- Among the most representative fauna of the area are the spectacled bears, mount turkeys, wolves, foxes, hummingbirds, cakes, and trout that currently is a source of attraction for sport fishing. Waterfall
- To admire native plants such as orchids, bromeliads or anthuriums there are several trails that run through the Pahuma Ecological Reserve, where the rooster of the rock nests.
New tourism ventures
- The magic of this rich area can be discovered by visitors through its natural surroundings, its food and the innate hospitality of those who reside in this canton.
- Carlos Tamayo, owner of Nono Restaurante, highlights the culinary wealth that is strengthened by the conditions and particularities of the fruits that the earth offers. The tourist entrepreneur recommends to taste the "complete" dish typical of the area that contains: corn, tender beans, yellow mellocos and cheese, products that are grown in this parish.
- Nono also offers the visitor a first-rate tourist plant, such as the Villa Doris, Estancia Nido del Quinde and Quinta Margarita hostels that through its complementary services allow the tourist to admire the flora and fauna of the sector.
- In this destination, tourists also enjoy their traditional and international food, being examples of this culinary offer.
- The Tierra de Fuego, La Empanada House, Allpa Sungana and El Bife restaurants make a wide range of Nono’s characteristic dishes.
- Also several projects and ventures generate interest to the tourists, such as Salpi Adventure, 15 minutes from Nono, a magical place where you can make artisan cheese, mountain biking and camping on the eastern flanks of the Pichincha volcano.
- Nono, what to do?
- Sport Fishing (Alambi, Guarumos)
- Hacienda la Querrencia
- Guagrpamba Waterfall
- The church of the town’s main square was built in Colonial times, the grotto of the Virgin of the road is close to the town. They say that on a certain stone the image of the Virgin appeared as a shadow. This was retouched by a local artist, according to what the original image looked like.
- Around the populated center are the Alto Peru, Yanacocha, Alambí, Alaspungo, Nonopungo and La Merced communities, also their lands are crossed by the rivers Pichán and Alambi which belong to the Volcan Huahua Pichincha.
- The products of the parish of Nono which are commercial are: corn, barley, beans, white carrots, yellow carrot, potatoes, beans, mellocos, geese, peas, zapallos, sambos, broccoli, dairy cattle, floriculture.
- Fruits: guagramoras (they are giant blackberries), llilagua motilón (pepa like currants, they are sweet), mortiño taxo de monte, chihualcán, chamburo, uvilla, blackberry.
- Sport fishing
- Sport Fishing “Alambi”
- Sport Fishing “la Sierra”
- Sport Fishing “Guarumos”
- Nono, where to eat? The cost of food vary between $ 3.00 up to $ 15.00 dollars. Restaurants are opnen on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays 24 hours.
- The Steak
- The Pie House
- Land of Fire
- Restaurant “The House of Empanada”
- “El Bife” Restaurant
- Restaurant “Firelands"
Nono's History
- Because of its location, Nono has always been a commercial exchange space.
- Through there passed Yumbos with products from one region to another, like the people of Nayón the nayones who were also traders and played the same role as suppliers of the yumbos.
- Nono was a forced step of the arrieros who by chaquiñenes (short roads) or coluncos crossed the regions of the country. These ancient routes served Pedro Vicente Maldonado in the eighteenth century in order to move the way to Esmeraldas.
- The oldest rural parish in Quitoe
- Nono, like Zámbiza, are the oldest rural parishes of the Metropolitan District of Quito. Archaeological remains show that the area was already inhabited since 500 AD, when scattered small villages were formed in the sector. He
- place was established as an ecclesiastical parish in 1660, but then
- his church was built just 30 years ago, by parental management
- Jesuits On August 13, 1720, Nono became a parish
- civil.
- Nono Communities
- In the surroundings of its populated center there are the communities of
- Alto Peru, Yanacocha, Alambí, La Sierra-Guarumos, Alaspungo,
- Nonopungo and La Merced-Pucará.
Nono Festivities
- March 1: political emancipation of Alaspungo
- August 13: feasts of the Virgin of El Camino
- August 17: political emancipation of Nonopungo
- October 4: Alaspungo and San Francisco Patron Saint festivities.
- The feast of the Virgin of Alambi is the main holiday and is celebrated from 1964. For the occasion the following organized: Mass, dances, parades, election of the queen, village bulls and the chagra pass. The bands come from Zámbiza, Guajalo, Cotocollao and as a central act the visit is made, virgin wing where all the people make a walk to where the Virgin.

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