Quito Botanical Garden

Botanical Garden
Quito Botanical Garden has 18,600 m2 and plans to expand. Here you can find a wide variety of plants. Ecuador is part of the 17 richest countries in native botany.
Botanical Garden of Quito address
Botanical Garden Location: In Quito city - Pichincha Province - Ecuador; southwest of La Carolina next to the Natural Science Museum.
Botanical Garden of Quito schedules
- Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
- Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Quito Botanical garden costs
- $ 3.50 USD adults
- $ 2 USD children
- $ 0.50 USD children from tax schools
- Free for the disabled
Botanical garden rates for students:
- private establishments $ 2.00
- tax establishments $ 1.00
- Children under 3 years do not pay
- adults $ 3.50
- For every 15 children, enter free an adult
- Educational Guide Service: for a group of 15 students it has a value of $ 5.00.
- Duration of the visit: all programs have a duration of one hour and a half.
Quito Botanical Garden history
Botanical Garden of Quito, was created in 1989 with an agreement signed between the Ecuadorian Museum of Natural Sciences, the Gardening Club and the Municipality of Quito.
Quito botanical garden Climatic floors
The place is pleasant to look at as it is divided by paths, among its collections are:
- Wetland plants
- Cloudy forest
- Páramo plants, here you can find a representation of páramo pads filled with water
- Orquideario with 2 Greenhouses; with orchids on the ground or trunks trying to mimic the role of Mother Nature.
- Tall orchids
- Tropical orchids
- Native fruit trees
- Hydroponic greenhouse of roses
Quito Botanical garden mission and vision
To Work and to incorporate actions so that people can learn more about Ecuador’s flora and at the same time to apply techniques to conserve and protect it.
Quito botanical garden Objective
To instill in the students the care of the environment through experiential workshops, this is how the botanical garden of Quito promotes conservation through education.
Information botanical garden of Quito
Reservation for the botanical garden of Quito
telephones: 3332516, 3332543, Ext. 111.
Perform it one week in advance and the cancellation of the visit 48 hours before the date.

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