Silfo Colivioleta

Aglaiocercus coelestis
Vive en el interior del bosque occidental de Quito, desde 800 hasta 1.950 metros de altura. En reposo balancean la cola rítmicamente. El macho presenta plumaje verde brillante, con matices violeta en la garganta, grupa azulada y cola muy larga de color violeta metálica con puntas azules brillantes. La hembra tiene el dorso color verde; la corona azul brillante; garganta blanca con puntos verdes; pecho color crema; vientre canela rufo y cola verde oscuro azulado.
Violet-tailed Sylph
This bird lives in the western forest of Quito, between 800 to 1,950 meters above sea level. At rest, they balance their tails rhythmically. The male presents bright green plumage with hints of violet on its neck, bluish hindquarters and a very long metallic violet tail with bright blue tips. Females have green colored backs; a bright blue top of the head, white neck with green spots, cream colored chest, reddish cinnamon belly and a bluish, dark green tail.

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