Provinces and Capitals of Ecuador

According to the territorial political and administrative division are 24 provinces of Ecuador. The Andes, then, divide the country into a continental sector, into completely different sections whose names are simple derivations of them, that is why 4 Regions of Ecuador are divided; Costa or Litoral, Sierra or Interandina, Amazónica or Oriente and Insular or Galapagos.
The provinces of Ecuador and its capitals have spectacular tourist attractions, which surprises all visitors and locals and can enjoy the different sites that Ecuador offers.
Provinces of Ecuador
How many Provinces does Ecuador have? Learn easily the provinces and capitals of Ecuador.
How to learn the provinces and capitals of Ecuador? One way to learn is to know the provinces that are in each region of Ecuador and then their corresponding capitals, you can even guide yourself graphically with the maps of Ecuador.
Provinces and capitals of the Sierra
It is made up of 10 provinces.
- Azuay Province
- Cuenca is the capital of Azuay
- Foundation: June 25, 1824
- Cantons of Azuay: Cuenca, Chordeleg, Gualaceo, Paute, Sigsig, Girón, Guachapala, El Pan, Sevilla de Oro, San Fernando, Nabón, Santa Isabel, Pucará, Oña, Camilo Ponce Enríquez
- Meet the rural parishes - Azuay
- Inhabitants (2010): 712.127
- Area Km: 8,639
- Density (Hab./km2): 82.43
- Bolivar Province
- Guaranda is Bolívar capital
- April 23, 1884 is Bolivar Foundation
- Cantons of Bolívar: Guaranda, San Miguel de Bolívar, Chimbo, Caluma, Chillanes, Echeandía, Las Naves
- Meet the rural parishes of Bolívar
- Inhabitants (2010): 183,641
- Area Km: 3,254
- Density (Hab./km2): 56,43
- Cañar Province
- Azogues is the capital of Cañar
- November 3, 1880 is Cañar Foundation
- Cantons of Cañar: Cañar, El Tambo, Biblián, Suscal, Azogues, Déleg, La Troncal
- Meet the rural parishes of Cañar
- Inhabitants (2010): 225,184
- Area Km: 3,908
- Density (Hab./km2): 57.62
- Carchi Province
- Tulcán is the capital of Carchi
- November 19, 1880 is the Carchi Foundation
- Cantons of Carchi: Mirror, Mira, Montúfar, Bolívar, San Pedro Huaca, Tulcán
- Meet the rural parishes of Carchi
- Inhabitants (2010): 164,524
- Area Km: 3,699
- Density (Hab./km2): 44.47
- Cotopaxi Province
- Latacunga is the capital of Cotopaxi
- April 1, 1851 is the Cotopaxi Foundation
- Cotopaxi Cantons: Saquisilí, Latacunga, Pujilí, Salcedo, Sigchos, Pangua, La Maná
- Meet the rural parishes of Cotopaxi
- Inhabitants (2010): 409.205
- Area Km: 6,569
- Density (Hab./km2): 62.29
- Chimborazo Province
- Riobamba is the capital of Chimborazo
- June 25, 1824 is the Chimborazo Foundation
- Chimborazo Cantons: Riobamba, Guano, Chambo, Colta, Penipe, Guamote, Pallatanga, Alausí, Chunchi, Cumandá
- Meet the rural parishes of Chimborazo
- Inhabitants (2010): 458,581
- Area Km: 5,287
- Density (Hab./km2): 86.73
- Imbabura Province
- Ibarra is the capital of Imbabura
- June 25, 1824 is the Imbabura Foundation
- Cantons of Imbabura: Ibarra, Antonio Ante, Urcuquí, Cotacachi, Otavalo, Pimampiro
- Meet the rural parishes of Imbabura
- Inhabitants (2010): 398,244
- Area Km: 4,599
- Density (Hab./km2): 86.59
- Loja Province
- Loja is the capital of Loja
- June 25, 1824 is the Loja Foundation
- Cantons of Loja: Gonzanamá, Avocados, Bald, Quilanga, Olmedo, Catamayo, Sozoranga, Chaguarpamba, Celica, Loja, Espíndola, Macará, Puyango, Pindal, Saraguro, Zapotillo
- Meet the rural parishes of Loja
- Inhabitants (2010): 453,966
- Area Km: 11,027
- Density (Hab./km2): 40.71
- Pichincha Province
- Quito is the capital of Pichincha
- June 25, 1824 is the Pichincha Foundation
- Cantons of Pichincha: Quito, Rumiñahui, Pedro Moncayo, Tourist Cayambe, Mejía, San Miguel de los Bancos, Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Puerto Quito
- Meet the rural parishes of Pichincha
- Inhabitants (2010): 2,576,287
- Area Km: 9,612
- Density (Hab./km2): 271.35
- The Middle of the World City is a land owned by the prefecture of the province of Pichincha, Ecuador
- Tungurahua Province
- Ambato is the capital of Tungurahua
- July 3, 1860 is the Tungurahua Foundation
- Cantons of Tungurahua: Pelileo, Ambato, Patate, Píllaro, Cevallos, Quero, Tisaleo, Mocha, Baños
- Meet the rural parishes of Tungurahua
- Inhabitants (2010): 504,583
- Area Km: 3,334
- Density (Hab./km2): 151.34
Provinces and capitals of the Coast
It is made up of 7 provinces
- El Oro Province
- Machala is the capital of El Oro
- April 23, 1884 is the Foundation of El Oro
- Cantons of El Oro: Machala, El Guabo, Las Nieves Passage, Santa Rosa, Las Lajas, Arenillas, Huaquillas, Chilla, Atahualpa, Pineapples, Rafts, Marcabelí, Zaruma, Portovelo
- Meet the rural parishes of El Oro
- Inhabitants (2010): 600,659
- Area Km: 5,988
- Density (Hab./km2): 100.31
- Esmeraldas Province
- Esmeraldas is the capital of Esmeraldas
- November 20, 1847 is the Emerald Foundation
- Cantons of Emeralds: Quinindé, Muisne, Atacames, Esmeraldas, Río Verde, Eloy Alfaro, San Lorenz
- Meet the rural parishes of Esmeraldas
- Inhabitants (2010): 491,168
- Area Km: 14,893
- Density (Hab./km2): 32
- Province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas
- Santo Domingo is the capital of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas
- November 6, 2007 is the Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas Foundation
- Cantons of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas: Santo Domingo, La Concordia
- Meet the rural parishes of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas
- Inhabitants (2010): 410,937
- Area Km: 4,180
- Density (Hab./km2): 98
- Guayas Province
- Guayaquil is the capital of Guayas
- June 25, 1824 is the Guayas Foundation
- Cantons of Guayas: Daule, Nobol, Salitre, Lomas de Sargentillo, Samborondón, Guayaquil, Durán, Isidro Ayora, Santa Lucía, Yaguachi, Palestine, Pedro Carbo, Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno (Jujan), Milagro, Colimes, Simón Bolívar, Naranjito, Marcelino Maridueña, Balzar, El Triunfo, Naranjal, Bucay, General Villamil (Beaches), Balao, El Empalme
- Meet the rural parishes of Guayas
- Inhabitants (2010): 3,645,483
- Area Km: 17,139
- Density (Hab./km2): 212.70
- Los Ríos Province
- Babahoyo is the capital of Los Rios
- October 6, 1860 is the Babahoyo Foundation
- Cantons of Los Ríos: Quevedo, San Jacinto de Buena Fé, Valencia, Mocache, Quinsaloma, Windows, Palenque, Puebloviejo, Urdaneta, Vinces, Babahoyo, Montalvo, Baba
- Meet the rural parishes of Los Ríos
- Inhabitants (2010): 778,115
- Area Km: 6,254
- Density (Hab./km2): 124.41
- Manabi Province
- Portoviejo is the capital of Manabí
- June 25, 1824 is the Manabí Foundation
- Cantons of Manabí: Portoviejo, Rocafuerte, Santa Ana, Montecristi, Jaramijó, Sucre, Manta, Junín, Jipijapa, Twenty Four of May, Tosagua, Bolívar, Olmedo, San Vicente, Chone, Paján, Puerto López, Pichincha, Flavio Alfaro, Jama, Pedernales, El Carmen
- Meet the rural parishes of Manabí
- Inhabitants (2010): 1,369,780
- Area Km: 18,400
- Density (Hab./km2): 74.44
- Santa Elena Province
- Santa Elena is the capital of Santa Elena
- November 7, 2007 is the Santa Elena Foundation
- Cantons of Santa Elena: Santa Elena, La Libertad, Salinas
- Meet the rural parishes of Santa Elena
- Inhabitants (2010): 308,693
- Area Km: 3,763
- Density (Hab./km2): 82.03
Provinces and capitals of the Amazon
The eastern Ecuador is made up of 6 provinces
- Morona Santiago Province
- Macas is the capital of Morona Santiago
- November 10, 1953 is the Morona Santiago Foundation
- Cantons of Morona Santiago: Morona - Macas, Sucúa, Logroño, Huamboya, Pablo Sexto, Santiago de Méndez, Palora, Taisha, Tiwintza, Limón Indanza, San Juan Bosco, Gualaquiza
- Meet the rural parishes of Morona Santiago
- Inhabitants (2010): 147,940
- Area Km: 25,690
- Density (Hab./km2): 5.75
- Napo Province
- Tena is the capital of Napo
- November 10, 1959 is the Napo Foundation
- Cantons of Napo: Tena, Archidona, Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola, Quijos, El Chaco
- Meet the rural parishes of Napo
- Inhabitants (2010): 103,697
- Area Km: 13,271
- Density (Hab./km2): 7.81
- Orellana Province
- Francisco de Orellana is the capital of Orellana
- July 30, 1998 is the Orellana Foundation
- Cantons of Orellana: Francisco de Orellana, Aguarico, La Joya de Los Sachas, Loreto
- Meet the rural parishes of Orellana
- Inhabitants (2010): 136,396
- Area Km: 21,675
- Density (Hab./km2): 6.57
- Pastaza Province
- Puyo is the capital of Pastaza
- November 10, 1959 is the Pastaza Foundation
- Pastaza Cantons: Mera, Santa Clara, Arajuno, Pastaza
- Meet the rural parishes of Pastaza
- Inhabitants (2010): 83,933
- Area Km: 29,520
- Density (Hab./km2): 2.84
- Province of Sucumbíos
- Nueva Loja is the capital of Sucumbíos
- February 13, 1989 is the Sucumbíos Foundation
- Cantons of Sucumbíos: Lago Agrio (Nueva Loja), Shushufindi, Sucumbios, Cascales, Gonzalo Pizarro, Cuyabeno, Putumayo
- Meet the rural parishes of Sucumbíos
- Inhabitants (2010): 176,472
- Area Km: 18,612
- Density (Hab./km2): 9.48
- Zamora Chinchipe Province
- Zamora is the capital of Zamora Chinchipe
- November 10, 1953 is the Zamora Chinchipe Foundation
- Cantons of Zamora Chinchipe: Zamora, Sentinel of the Condor, Nangaritza, Yantzaza, Paquisha, Yacuambí, El Pangui, Palanda, Chinchipe
- Meet the rural parishes of Zamora Chinchipe
- Inhabitants (2010): 91,376
- Area Km: 10,556
- Density (Hab./km2): 8.65
Galapagos Provinces or Insular Region
It is formed by a single province
- Galapagos Province
- Puerto Baquerizo Moreno is the capital of Galapagos
- February 18, 1973 is the Galapagos Foundation
- Cantons of Galapagos: San Cristóbal, Isabela, Santa Cruz
- Meet the rural parishes of Galapagos
- Inhabitants (2010): 25.124
- Area Km: 8,010
- Density (Hab./km2): 3.13

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