Latas and Umbuni waterfalls in Misahualli
The Waterfalls of Latas and Umbuni form a slide, they are located in the Amazon region of Ecuador.

Latas and Umbuni waterfalls
- These waterfalls is located in Misahuallí, in the province of Napo
- Large stones in the riverbed make their waters form jumps, waterfalls and fords of great beauty. In its path the river is encased forming a slide.
- Its waters are crystal clear when it does not rain, it has an environment with an excellent landscape
- The first waterfall has a height of 3 m high, upon reaching the big waterfall we can see that it has a water fall of 10 meters high.
- The cave is approximately 50 m long, the width varies from 1to 5 m, the height of the vault is 2.5 m; inside you can appreciate a small stream of water that flows into the river Umbuni In addition, you can observe geological formations of stalactites and stalagmites. Inside there are several species of bats.
Waterfalls of Latas and Umbuni Location
- It is located 12 km from Tena on the way towards Puerto Misahuallí, left handside of the road.
Latas Waterfalls and Umbuni Weather
- Average temperature of 25 ° C.
Waterfalls of Latas and UmbuniFlora
- In the tour, which takes 45 minutes, the rich Amazon flora is observed as well as its ornamental and medicinal plants. One more is striking, the Matapalo.
- The following species can be observed: ceibo, chontaduro, myrtle, guarango, vanilla orchid, chiriguayusa, laurel, yagual, olive, yellow cinnamon, cocoa, bananas, toquilla straw, guadua, among others.
Waterfalls of Latas and Umbuni Fauna
- There are some species of lepidoptera, bat, catornica, guanta, monkey machín, tangara, guajalito, carachama, black turkey, among others.
- We can also admire the natural beauty of the sector, the great variety of butterflies and insects.
Tourist places that might interest you:
- Pimpilito Waterfall Its crystal clear waters attract attention. There is a natural spa surrounded by a lush protective forest.
- Blue Lagoon Tena It is one of the main attractions of Tena, its Name is due to the blue hue of its lagoon, a natural spa from eastern Ecuador
- Tena Caverns Commonly known as the Jumandy Caverns in Archidona
- Misahualli Amazon Zoo, is an Amazonian animal rescue center.
- Puerto Misahualli description It is a spa where you can perform multiple activities.

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