Galapagos and their giant turtles

The fauna and flora in Galapagos
It is impossible to talk about Galapagos without mentioning the impressive flora and fauna that inhabits in that paradise, located to 1000 km from the coast of Ecuador . Its percentage of endemism makes it a site with great ecological value, 32% of its species do not exist anywhere on the planet.
I undertook the tour of the Enchanted and I did not imagine the wonders that this ecological conservation destination had for me. Certain reptiles surprise us by slipping over vegetation, sand and rocks. I wanted to learn a little about these species, I'll tell you below.
There are land and marine iguanas, lizards and giant turtles are on the top the list. However, according to the Protected Areas Management Plan in Galapagos there are about 42 species of reptiles considered endemic. It is definitely a reptile paradise!
Specialized herpetologists and tourists from around the world can look for a different destination being surprised by these species..
Iguana adapted to the marine world
When Charles Darwin observed by first time the marine iguanas, called them "monsters of darkness." Its Jurassic appearance could scare, however, it is a vegetarian and harmless species. It is the only lizard on the planet that is directly associated with the sea, lives on the rocky shores of the islands and feeds on seaweed.
The females and the youngest feed when the tide falls. On the other hand, the males submerge up to 20 meters deep to look for their food, this can remain underwater for up to 45 minutes.
It is common to find them sunbathing on the rocks because they need to regulate their body temperature. If you see a marine iguana sneezing, don't panic, they do it to remove excess salt from their body. Surprising right?
Land iguanas
Their color varies depending on the island where they are, the the color gamut goes from yellow tones to almost black coffee. They feed cactus’ fruit, which are dragged by sand or rocks to clean the small thorns. This iguana species can live without drinking water for long periods. The terrestrial iguanas inhabit islands : Baltra , Seymour , Santa Cruz , South Plaza , Santiago , Isabela and Santa Fe
These species have a unique courtship behavior that consists of aggressive persecutions, defense of their territory and change of color in their skin with strong brown and yellow tones, a strange way to find their ideal partner.
In Galapagos there are three species of land iguanas: the common land iguana, the land iguana of Santa Fe and the pink iguana.
The territorial lava lizards
It seems that they would like to get in shape when they do “push-ups” with their front legs, but in reality they make that curious movement when they feel threatened by their predators, so these little animals show their strength.
In Galapagos there are 7 endemic species of lava lizards and can measure up to 30 centimeters. They feed of small insects, male is larger than the female and has a black and yellow throat. The female has a large red spot around the throat.
They are very territorial, males can establish his territory in an area of up to 400 m2. They live in arid areas
Pink iguana
I couldn't observe them, because they live on the summit of the Wolf volcano on Isabela Island. In Galapagos inhabits the only pink iguana on the planet. It was discovered in 2009 and is one of the most intriguing specimens. Virtually all aspects of their ecology and biology are unknown, but it is known these species are an important key thanks they contribute to the maintenance of ecological integrity and the resilience of their ecosystems.
In addition to its pink color, its crest and spine also differ from other Galapaguean iguanas . It is considered the oldest of the three species of land iguanas that inhabit the Galapagos.
The iconic giant turtles
In this ecological destination inhabit the longest in the world and are the most representative species. The islands take their name for these giant species. They live in 7 different islands, if you visit the upper part of Santa Cruz , you can observe them carefully.
In the archipelago there are 12 different species of turtles and it is presumed that the closest ancestor of the Galapagos giant tortoise arrived between 5 and 10 million years ago to the ancient Galapagos Islands (currently submerged). Another interesting fact is that the giant tortoise on Floreana Island is considered the largest worldwide.
Thus, touring Galapagos is to live a different experience, in a destination of ecological tourism and nature, which allows you to know and feel that nature embraces you in every corner. Animals do not fear man for that reason it is important to take care of the spaces where they live because they provide a sense of peace and tranquility that is not found elsewhere.
I have to admit that as an Ecuadorian I feel proud of our Natural Patrimony of Humanity , an invaluable treasure that inspired me a deep respect for nature. In this archipelago I really treasured life.
And you, what to expect to discover the charms of the islands?

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