Ecuador´s Volcanoes

Volcanoes of the Ecuador
Ecuador is the third country with the largest number of volcanoes in the world, followed by Indonesia with 140 volcanoes and Chile with 90; Ecuador has 84 volcanoes registered so far, of which 27 are potentially active .
Ecuador is in America of the South, on both sides of the Andes, which crosses the country from north to south.
Rightly it calls the Cordilleras of the Andes, the equatorial zone “the greatest mountains of the Globe"
Ecuador is located in the “Ring of Fire "in the Pacific is an alignment of terrestrial and submarine volcanoes and oceanic faults.
This alignment of volcanoes bordering the Pacific Ocean in most of its circumference, or about 40,000 miles. This surface is called "Ring of Fire". The qualification of the country comes from its position in Ecuador.
In Ecuador, the Andes is divided into two mountain ranges called one Western Cordillera where is highest volcano in Ecuador, the Chimborazo volcano. And the Eastern Cordillera where is located the active volcano highest in the world the Cotopaxi volcano (5897 m). The two ranges are separated by a depression of 600 km, a valley at an altitude between 2500 and 3000 meters.
Andes in Ecuador
The location of Ecuador in the Andean mountains allows it to be considered a great country. The presence of medicinal plants, products for human consumption, such as barley or animals like the spectacled bear, found in the biodiversity of the high Andean mountains.
The scientific content of the high mountains is only 1% of the medicinal use of tropical plants, although known to the least 20 plants that provide 80% of human food, such as maize, barley, sorghum, tomato, etc. In addition to areas representative species of flora and chuquiragua, husks, puya and frailejón.
The most attractive climbing volcanoes in Ecuador
Climbing the Andes
- Approximately 62 altitudes are only 600 miles away, at the least 25 of which are over 4,000 meters above the level of the sea.
Cotopaxi volcano
- Among the five most active volcanoes on the planet, it is at 5,987 meters above the level of the sea. To reach the top there is a walk with specialized equipment including ghettoes, cramps, ax, helmet and ropes. The ascent begins at midnight and lasts five to seven hours, and returns for approximately three hours.
Chimborazo volcano
- Its peak is 6.310 meters above sea level and is the farthest point from the center of the Earth to the sun because of its proximity to the equator. The climb is hard and requires a walk on ice
Volcano Heart
- Through various landscapes of rugged wilderness, this tough climb between nine and eleven hours to reach the summit at 4,788 meters. To reach the starting point of the climb, take a bus to the south of Quito by Panamerican Road to reach Chasqui.
The volcano Illiniza North
- It is a good choice for beginners. However, it is advisable to come up with a driver. The trip back and forth from the game lasts about seven hours. The climate in 5,126 miles. Usually it is strict
Volcano South Illiniza
- One of the peaks that most requires, its growth lasts about six or eight hours, on the way there are many cracks and loose rocks. The summit is 5,248 meters above the level of the sea.
Volcano Cotacachi
- The top of this giant is 4.944 meters above the level of the sea. In the place there are storms and falling stones why they are necessary cords and helmets for this promotion
Nevado El Altar
- It is an altitude semi-desolate because of the altitude and the strength of the surrounding terrain. The summit culminated in the crater of ice and can climb in two days. The summit is 4200 meters above the level of the sea.
The volcano Reventador
- With 3,562 miles Reventador is an active volcano in the region of the Amazon. His rise takes three to five days (from departure to return).
Cayambe volcano
- Cayambe Summit is 5.790 miles, slightly lower than the Cotopaxi. It is the volcano that is closer to the underwater line. His ascension is not technically difficult, but it is difficult due to cracks and avalanches of snow and ice.
Antisana volcano
Not recommended for beginners. Its growth lasts about one to three days, walking on ice, glaciers and rock. The summit is 5752 meters above sea level and weather is often bad.
Imbabura volcano
- This extinct volcano near Otavalo and it takes about a day to climb. The summit is 4,609 meters above the level of the sea. The ascent takes about eight hours from the parking lot.
Volcano Sincholagua
- This extinct volcano is located just outside the Cotopaxi National Park. His ascent takes about nine hours to the summit at 4,873 meters above the level of the sea. This peak is imported from inside Cotopaxi National Park.
Pichincha volcano
The Pichincha volcano has two peaks: the Rucu Pichincha, which is 4.627 meters above sea level, and Guagua, which is 4.776 meters above the level of the sea.
A Rucu hides in the cable car and the delay on a hiking excursion. For Guagua Pichincha has a bus and a bus to Quito, Halo, Lloa and Ascend, between ten and twelve hours.
Tungurahua volcano
This mountain is 5,023 meters above the level of the sea. It's called "Throat of Fire" and since 1999 it is not possible to scale because of their constant explosive activity. However, there are walks around the streams in Pondoa, where you can admire the bright rocks coming out of the crater.
Volcano Sumaco
This volcano is 3.732 meters above the level of the sea. It takes about four days (round trip) to reach the top. Because of its location, its ascent begins between dense jungles and then reaches out to pasture. The weather is very humid in the area
Classification of Volcanoes in Ecuador
- Extinct volcano or asleep: last erupted more than 10 000 years ago
- Potentially active volcano: last erupted less than 10 000 years ago
- Active Volcano: last erupted more than 500 years ago
- Volcano: with eruptive activity in 2011 (valid for 2018)
Note: A volcano can be described as "exploding" if I had explosive activity recently (a few months) without significant surface events yet.
How many active volcanoes are there in Ecuador?
To date they have been recorded 27 potentially active volcanoes in Ecuador, including volcanoes in the Galapagos Islands .
Of these, seven continental volcanoes (Cayambe, Reventador, Guagua Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Sangay and Potrerillos-Chacana) and seven volcanoes in the Galapagos (Marchena, Cerro Azul, Fernandina, Santo Tomas / Volcano Chico, Alcedo, Darwin and Wolf had an explosion in historical times, ie from the year 1532. as volcanic research studies move towards Ecuador, is likely to increase the amount of volcanoes that are called " potentially active”
How many volcanoes are there in Ecuador?
Ecuador has n total number of 84 volcanoes at the continental level and seven volcanoes located at the level of the island region.
How they are called the Volcanoes Ecuador?
Volcanoes Ecuador Location
- Volcano Black Mountain (4465 m): Located in the Western Cordillera, is located 25 km to the west of Tulcan on the border with Colombia. Its last eruption 3,000 years ago uncommitted.
- Chiles Volcano (4707 m): Located in the province of Carchi in the Western Cordillera, is located 24 km to the west of Tulcán and along with the volcano Cerro Black of Mayasquer are part of the border with Colombia. Last eruption on July 17, 1936.
- Potrerillos volcano (4165 m): Located in the province of Carchi
- Chulamuez volcano (3566 m)
- Chalpatán volcano (3624 m): Located in the province of Carchi located 15 km to the SW of Tulcan and 125 km to the NNE of Quito. Dormant volcano
- Horqueta volcano (3700 m)
- Chiltazon volcano (3967 m)
- Virgen Negra volcano (3658 m)
- Iguan volcano (3876 m)
- Chaquilulo volcano (3649 m)
- Soche volcano (3955 m)
- Pilavo volcano (4224 m)
- Parulo volcano (3300 m)
- Yanaurcu of Piñán volcano (4535 m): is located in the province of Imbabura in the Western Cordillera, located approximately 25 km to the northwest of Ibarra and 80 km to the north of Quito, within the ecological reserve Cotacachi-Cayapa. It is a dormant volcano
- Chachimbiro volcano (4105 m)
- Pulumbura volcano (4214 m)
- Mangus volcano (3944 m)
- Volcán Cotacachi (4944 m): Located in the province of Imbabura in the Western Cordillera located 25 km to the west of the city of Ibarra. No activity relatedthe volcano.
- Cubilche volcano (3828 m)
- Volcano Cuicocha (3377 m): Located in the province of Imbabura in the Western Cordillera, the volcanic caldera of Cuicocha is located 14 km to the northwest of the city of Otavalo and is located directly to the south of the Cotacachi volcano is a dull volcano.
- Imbabura volcano (4621 m): Located in the province of Imbabura, in the region Interandina located 8 kilometers to the east of Otavalo and 10 km from Ibarra, it is an excellent viewpoint of the volcanoes of the northern highlands. Last eruption 14,000 years ago unconfirmed.
- Cushnirumi volcano (3776 m)
- Cusin volcano (3989 m): Located in the province of Imbabura Interandina region, is located 16 km to the southeast of Otavalo and is one of the volcanoes around Lake San Pablo, no activity related to this volcano.
- Fuya Fuya volcano (4279 m)
- Volcano Mojanda (4263 m): located between the provinces of Pichincha and Imbabura province in the interAndean region, it is located 10 km to the south of Otavalo and is the crux of Mojanda separating the Andean valley, no activity relatedthis volcano. Also it is known as Fuya Fuya
- Old Cayambe (4815 m)
- Nevado Cayambe (5790 m): Located in the province of Pichincha in the Cordillera Real, rises in the Eastern Cordillera Real de los Andes or near the town of the same name and under the equinoctial line. In ancient times it was already considered the marker half of the world before the eruption francesas.Ultima geodetic missions aroundeighteenth century dl
- Pululahua volcano (3356 m)
- Casitagua volcano (3519 m): Located in the province of Pichincha in the Western Cordillera, is located 10 km to the north of Quito, No activity related to the volcano.
- Pambamarca volcano (4075 m)
- Reventador volcano (3562 m): located between the provinces of Napo and Sucumbios , located approx. 90 km to the east of Quito and is currently one of the three volcanoes of Ecuador. Geographically form a row of volcanoes along with Sugar Loaf, Sumaco and Puyo cones, which are all located in the Sub-Andean region of Ecuador.
- Rucu Pichincha volcano (4696 m): Located in the province of Pichincha in the Western Cordillera, the volcano dominates the north of the city of Quito and 7.5 Km far from this. No activity related the volcano.
- Volcano Guagua Pichincha (4776 m): Located in the province of Pichincha , Western Cordillera , belongs to the massif of the same name which houses the Rucu Pichincha, Padre Encantado and the ruins of the boiler cundur Huanchana , other hills further Barges old may have been buried under lava and pyroclastic the volcanoes. Last erupted August 1999.
- Izambi volcano (4356 m)
- Cerro Puntas volcano (4550 m): Located in the province of Pichincha in the Cordillera Real, is located 30 Km from Quito to the east of the city. No activity related to the volcano
- Coturco volcano (3575 m): Located in the province of Pichincha in the Cordillera Real or Oriental is located 15 km to the south of the town of El Quinche. No activity related to the volcano.
- Chacana Volcano (4493 m): Located in the Royal Mountain Ecuador, whose volcanic chain 225 km long is generally formed by active volcanoes andesite, such as Cotopaxi and Tungurahua. Located immediately to the east of Quito
- Volcano Ilaló (3188 m): Located in the province of Pichincha in Interandina region was located 8 km to the east of the city of Quito and constitutes the natural divider between the valleys of Los Chillos to the south and the valley of Tumbaco to the north. Eruption 1.6 million years ago.
- Carcacha volcano (3813 m)
- Yanaurcu volcano (3127 m)
- Volcano Atacazo - Ninahuilca (4455 m): Located in the province of Pichincha, in the Western Cordillera, located 22 km to the south west of Quito. Last eruption 2350 years ago
- Pan volcano Azúcar (3482 m): located in the sub-Andes, is 20 km to the ENE Baeza, and 90 km to the EUT Quito
- Volcano Pasochoa (4199 m): located in Pichincha region Interandina located 15 km to the southeast of Quito and the north of the volcano Rumiñahui. No activity relatedthe volcano
- Antisana volcano (5758 m): Located in the Royal Cordillera of Ecuador, about 50 km to the southeast of Quito. It is a potentially active volcano, it is monitored presents earthquakes and volcanic hydrothermal activity.
- Machángara volcano (3460 m)
- Volcano Heart (4782 m): Pichincha Located in the Cordillera Occidental is located to the southwest of Machachi. No activity relatedthe volcano.
- Volcano Aliso (4260 m)
- Volcano Bermejo (2939 m)
- Volcano Sincholagua (4873 m)
- Sumaco volcano (3732 m): Located between the province of Napo province in the Cordillera Subandina Orellan, is located 105 kilometers south-east of the city of Quito and 35 kilometers to the northwest of Loreto. Volcano is a little known mainly because of its difficult access, last erupted 1933 unconfirmed.
- Volcano El Dorado (2785 m)
- Volcano Domos eggs Chivo
- Rumiñahui volcano (4722 m): Pichincha Located in Interandina region, located 26 km to the east of Quito. 9 million last eruption unconfirmed years ago.
- Volcano Holy Souls (3745 m)
- Pumayacu volcano (2950 m): Nestled in the foothills of the Cordillera Real consists of several pyroclastic flows generated domes and rich in pumice lahars.
- Volcano Cosanga (4011 m): and far from the Royal Range such as 40 kilometers east of said cordilleran, have a chemical composition rich in silica and different from having large Ecuadorian volcanoes, and are aligned along a series of tectonic faults that cross the area.
- Huañuña volcano (4251 m)
- North Iliniza volcano (5105 m): Located in the province of Cotopaxi in the Western Cordillera, is located at 23 km to the southwest of Machachi, no activity related this volcano. More commonly known as Volcano Ilinizas
- Volcano Santa Cruz (3978 m): located in the province of Cotopaxi in the region Interandina located 33 km to the southwest of Machachi. No activity
- Chaupiloma volcano (4196 m): located in the province of Cotopaxi in Interandina Region, is a caldera activity does not record
- South Iliniza volcano (5245 m): Located in the province of Cotopaxi in the Western Cordillera, is located at 23 km to the southwest of Machachi, no activity related this volcano. More commonly known as The Ilinizas
- Cotopaxi volcano (5897 m): is located in the province of Cotopaxi, it is located in the Royal Cordillera, in the plain of Limiopungo 35 km and northwestern town of Latacunga, 40 km to the southeast of the city of Quito
- Azul volcano (3069 m)
- Barges volcano (4214 m): located in the central-eastern part of the Ecuadorian Andes in the province of Napo, in canton Tena and Archidona; located approximately 80 km to the southeast of Quito and 35 km to the northeast of the city of Latacunga, on the crest of the Cordillera Real. It is a dormant volcano
- Quilindaña volcano (4876 m)
- Quilotoa volcano (3915 m) Located in the province of Cotopaxi in the Western Cordillera, located at the sudoccidenete of Latacunga 33 km from this city. The last unconfirmed eruption in 1853 and confirmed eruption in 1660.
- Chinibano volcano (4200 m)
- Putzalagua volcano (3512 m)
- Angahuana volcano (4125 m)
- Sagoatoa volcano (4169 m)
- Pilisurco volcano (4508 m)
- Huicutambo volcano (3534 m)
- Puñalica volcano (3988 m)
- Huisla volcano (3763 m)
- Carihuairazo volcano (5018 m): Located in the province of Chimborazo in the Western Cordillera to 38-40 km to the NW of the city of Riobamba and 22 km to the southwest of the city of Ambato. No activity related the volcano.
- Mulmul volcano (3878 m)
- Puyo volcano cones
- Volcano Chimborazo (6263 m): Located in the province of Chimborazo in the Western Cordillera, it is located 30 km northwest of the city of Riobamba
- Tungurahua volcano (5023 m): Located in the province of Tungurahua in the Royal Cordillera located 33 km to the southeast of Ambato, just meters from the city of Bath. It is in constant eruption.
- Igualata volcano (4430 m)
- Volcano cones Calpi
- Altar Volcano (5319 m): Located in the province of Chimborazo rises in the eastern Andes Mountains 45 km. It is known that its last eruption was in 1490
- Licto cones or Volcano Tulabug
- Volcano Sangay (5260 m): Located in the province of Morona Santiago in the Cordillera Real, this volcano is located in the eastern region 40 km to the northwest of the city of Macas, it is a last active volcano eruption registered on July 20, 2017
Volcanos Insular Region or Galapagos
- Alcedo volcano (1128 m): is an active volcano, volcanic activity records. Known eruptions in 1953, crácter. There have been two campaigns thermal monitoring in March 2003 and March 2004, which has managed to have a database for comparative purposes.
- Wolf volcano (1,707m): The last eruption of this volcano occurred in 2015 and originated in the boiler and the SE flank of the volcano. It is located at the highest point of Isla Isabela.
- Fernandina volcano (1476 m): At least 24 periods of historical activity, the last eruption occurred in 2009. Uninhabited Island, its activity does not directly threaten population centres.
- Cerro Azul volcano (1640m): At least 12 periods of historical activity, the last eruption occurred in 2008, its activity does not directly threaten population centres in Isabela.
- Volcano Marchena (343.5): No anomalies have thermal or evidence indicating a higher activity thereof.
- St. Thomas volcano (1490 m): is located on the island of Santa Isabel province of Galapagos archipelago.
- Chico volcano: One of its craters is known as Volcano Sierra Negra located on Isabela Island. The Sierra Negra volcano last erupted on July 9, 2018.

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