Salado Lagoon

The lagoon of the Salado is in the province of Carchi. It is located 45 km away from Tulcán and 4 km from San Gabriel, this beautiful place has an area of 10 hectares, at a height of 2,760 above the sea level, located very close to another beauty without equal, the Forest of the Arrayanes. It is a lacustrine reservoir in the form of "U". The construction took place seventy years ago. This is one of the most important tourist places of the Montúfar canton.
Climate of the Salado lagoon: The average temperature of its surroundings is 12 ° C
Laguna el Salado montufar
Its waters originate in the moors of the Chutan Alto community, where the San Gabriel River is born, which is diverted in an open channel to give irrigation and accumulate in watering holes for large grassland areas from the area, dedicated to livestock management.
It is conformed by hills with crops and pastures; its topography is irregular with undulations and flat areas where the crops are located. It is surrounded by pine trees, grass, quicuyo and totora, no doubt some attracts attention to national and international tourists for its flora
Such as: willows, grasses, orchid, capulí, exotic pine plantations and eucalyptus, as well as the fauna of the place: hummingbirds, owls, turtledoves. They contribute to make it even more beautiful.
Its transparent waters (10 ° c) turn it into a favorable place to find tranquility and peace with a
touch of romanticism. It is also said that this is a lagoon created and little by little they left making adjustments.
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