Basilica of the National Vow

Quito Basilica
The Basilica of the National Vow is a Gothic-style church, the largest in Ecuador. The monument of Pope Juan Pablo Segundo welcomes visitors with open arms. The church is located in the Historic Center of Quito, it is one of the most visited tourist places in the city of Quito
Underground lies a very large cemetery. The Basilica is a symbol of the country's consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, this religious act was performed in García Moreno’s presidency.
What is La Basilica’s name?
It is known by the name of the Basilica of the National Vow, but it is also known as the Basilica of the Consecration of Jesus and even by the name of St. John's Basilica, being the first with which it is identified the most. It is the most important work of Ecuadorian neo-Gothic architecture and one of the American continent’s most representative, being in turn the largest in the lands of the new world. Because of its structure and style, it is compared to two of the great cathedrals around the world such as St. Patrick's in New York and Notre Dame in Paris. The National Vow Basilica has two anthropomorphic figures: gargoyles and acrobats. On the one hand, gargoyles are one of the main hallmarks of the Basilica, but which in turn maintains a direct relationship with the era in which they were conceived. This is because the animals that decorate are not mythological, but are a sample of Ecuadorian endemic and exotic fauna. Thus, you can find alligators, Galapagos turtles, blue-footed boobies, armadillos, howler monkeys, pumas, among others. It was built in the San Juan neighborhood in 1872. In 1890 the first stone was laid
Its design, in the form of a Gothic cross, was made by the French architect Emilio Tarlier since 1890. The European influence stands out in the Basilica, as the facade resembles the Cathedral of Burgos (Spain) and that of Notre Dame (France). The difference is the color of the stone.
The stained glass windows of the Basilica tell the scenes of the life of Jesus, and what is striking is that at the bottom of each sample the flora of Ecuador is represented, with the name of flower used. In addition, the borders show designs of the faja (a kind of belt) used by the natives.
Office Hours Basilica del Voto Nacional
From 09h00 to 17h00. Monday to Friday
06h00 to 18h30. Weekend
Basilica of the National Vow
Between Carchi and Venezuela streets, historic center of Quito
Entrance fee Basilica del Voto Nacional
- Price for national tourists: USD 1
- Price for foreign tourists: Foreigners: USD 2
It is the only Ecuadorian church blessed by Pope John Paul II who visited her and gave his blessing in 1985, but the official inauguration was on July 12, 1988.
The gargoyles that should perch on the Basilica Quito, like other Gothic European temples, are only on the chapel of the Sacred Heart of Mary. In one of the towers is the condor, which symbolizes the national bird of Ecuador.
The mythological figures were displaced in the design. Instead, endemic animals of the country such as armadillos, alligators, turtles, monkeys and iguanas were incorporated. They, in addition to serving as decoration, are used to channel rainwater. Many people say they are afraid of this decoration. "The statues seem to come out and are going to attack," Luis Cevallos confesses, one of the people who walks in the park.
On the walls are large stained glass windows depicting Virgin Mary and Jesus’ life.. In the upper part of the facades there are 24 circles, where the shields of the countries of America will be placed. The last one that located was Colombia’s, as a gesture of fraternity with Ecuador.
There are more spaces to fill, some are the acrobats that are around the Basilica. They are places that are destined for the saints’ images.
Like that from Ecuador, it is said that “there is no finished basilica. Because when it is done, the world ends,” says Father Cristancho, mentioning a popular phrase.
Since 2008, the former Salvation Fund (Fonsal) began the work of recovering around 400 works of colonial art, which are located within the convents of the Basilica.
The oldest is where the Government of the Consecration of Jesus resides. It has the style of the old convents, with a central patio and wooden floor corridors. When you go up one level, you enter a private chapel where the original picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the 16th century rests. The image was painted by Rafael Salas in Rome and shows that a ray of light leaves the heart of Jesus and illuminates Ecuador.
Around it, on the walls, are the consecration protectors’ pictures, among which Santa Mariana de Jesús, Felipe Neri and San Francisco de Sales stand out. None of them have an author's name.
On the sides, two small squares that look like windows, stand out. They have a gold metal background and keep the hearts of García Moreno and the Monsignor Checa y Barba, in a cylindrical glass jar. When you see them, you can understand the meaning of keeping them there, because they both gave themselves to the Consecration and offered their support.
The most modern convent was built at the beginning of the 20th century and only had two floors, which were extended to six. There live nine religious. The halls have several paintings that were elaborated at different times, such as the painting by Eva de Mideros or the image of Santo Domingo Savio by Eloy Marco Suárez (1951).
However, the greatest number of works are in a room where a Eloy Alfaro and Juan Montalvo paintings opens the panorama of paintings and images of distinguished artists of Quiteña School. The art of Caspicara, Miguell Vélez and Legarda are on shelves waiting for brush strokes that will allow them to be exposed again.
So far in the Basilica of Quito, 13 paintings made in the 17th century and in the Colony have been restored. Father Cristancho says that when this process is finished they will be displayed in a museum.
Tourist Places of Quito that may interest you
- Quito's Historic center
- El Panecillo
- La Ronda
- Company of Jesus Church
- Calle de las Siete Cruces (Seven crosses Street)
- Basilica of National Vow
- Quito’s Metropolitan Cathedral
- Museum of the City
- Alberto Mena Caamaño Museum of Art and History
- Sucre House Museum
- Central Bank’s Camilo Egas Museum
- National Museum of the History of Medicine
- Convent of San Agustín’s Miguel de Santiago Museum
- Churches and Chapels

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