Machalilla National Park

Machalilla National Park in Puerto López location: it is located in the central western area of the Coastal Region of Ecuador, to the South West of the province of Manabí.
Machalilla Park has been included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance of the RAMSAR Convention.
The cantons involved in the Machalilla National Park correspond to Jipijapa with its parishes Julcuy, Pedro Pablo Gómez and Puerto Cayo; the recently created Puerto López Canton with its parishes Machalilla and Salango; and, the Montecristi Canton whose territory constitutes the Island of La Plata. The Machalilla National Park is one of the most extensive protected areas of the Ecuadorian coast and comprises two areas: a land area (56,184 hectares) and a marina (14,430 hectares).
Machalilla National Park with all its natural and cultural wealth, together constitute one of the most important attractions in the country for national and foreign tourists. Tourists visiting each of the attractions inside the Machalilla National Park.
Machalilla National Park was established in July 1979. It takes its name from the ancient pre-Columbian culture that inhabited part of the area, Machalilla.
It is part of the hydrogeographic corridor of the Chongón-Colonche mountain range.
The height of the area varies from 0 to 840 meters above sea level, and the climate is dry, however, masses of sea air produce humidity.
Machalilla Temperature: 28.3 ° C. The precipitation is 350 mm per year.
Machalilla Climate: Machalilla National Park shows variations from warm tropical perárido at sea level to premontane sub-warm at 840 m.a.s.l. The climatic characteristics depend on the orographic system and on the influence that the marine current of Humbolt exerts on the area and the presence of the Chongón Colonche mountain range.
Machalilla Hours: From 08h00 to 16h30, every day.
Machalilla Cost: Free admission, for tours check prices to operators.
Machalilla National Park How to get there?
From Quito Take the Quito – Sto Domingo route (151 km). From Sto. Domingo, continue towards Chone (140 km), southwest towards Manta (91 km). From Manta, you travel along the Pacific Trunk to the south, to connect with the Jipijapa - Puerto Cayo - Puerto López road (89 km) and thus reach the central park of Puerto López, where the protected area offices are located.
From Guayaquil Take the road to Daule until you reach Nobol (41 km). Here you continue on the Nobol - Jipijapa road, until you reach Jipijapa. It is taken towards Puerto Cayo (28 km), to the west, to go along the Pacific Trunk to the south and reach Puerto López (33 km).
- Machalilla National Park is important among other things because
- Only marine protected area in continental Ecuador.
- Unique coral reefs on the coast of Ecuador.
- Southern limit of reefs in the Eastern Pacific and distribution limit of many other tropical marine species.
- Greater biodiversity throughout the continental coast.
- Important areas of outcrop.
- Located on the transit routes of migratory species.
- The fauna diversity of the Machalilla National Park, in the marine and terrestrial areas, is represented by 81 species of mammals, 270 of birds and 143 of fish.
- The main access road is the road that connects Puerto López – Jipijapa to the north and La Libertad to the south.
Machalilla, four zones:
- Tropical desert thicket,
- Tropical prickly and premontane mount
- Tropical dry forest; Y,
- Premontane prickly mount.
The territory is discontinuous and comprises three sectors:
North sector, between the south of Puerto Cayo and north of Machalilla (12,290 hectares, more than 3 km parallel to the coast);
South sector, between the south of Machalilla and the north of Puerto López, including Salango Island (34,393 hectares, more than 3 km parallel to the coast and around the island); and finally, La Plata Island, which has been considered as an IBA separated from the rest of the Park due to differences in species composition and habitat.
The territory also includes
- Machalilla also includes other vegetation remnants located around the Park. Cerro Achi, is located on the road between Jipijapa and Puerto Cayo, and is part of the Cordillera de la Costa to the north of the Machalilla National Park.
- Also included is part of the Ayampe river basin, in the central part of the Chongón-Colonche mountain range. This last basin is in the limit between Manabí and Guayas, and in it the Cantalapiedra Natural Reserve, of 320 hectares managed by the Amingay Corporation, is located. In it independent conservation activities are carried out to those of the Park. It should be noted that in this area there are archaeological remains of the most important cultures of the Ecuadorian coast, such as the Valdivia culture.
- Marine habitats include cliffs, sandy beaches, low and rugged rocky shores and continental islands. Within the Park there are some human populations, which have subsistence agricultural and livestock areas. Its inhabitants are mainly engaged in fishing and, in several cases, tourism, an activity that has great importance in the local economy.
Flora in the Machalilla National Park
The Machalilla National Park and the surrounding permanent forests include areas of drizzle humid forest, similar to the Andean cloud forest, in the upper part of the mountain range. On the lower slopes the forest becomes semi-deciduous and deciduous and, towards the coast, it becomes a dry thicket where the vegetation is shrubby and stunted, there are species of cardon cacti or candelabra cactus and the most representative trees correspond to the Mimosaceae and Capparidaceae
In the primary forest there are groups of guadua cane and large trees such as matapalos (Ficus spp.) Other areas are dominated by cade palms or tagua and are generally more intervened areas.
Remnants around the Park are immersed in an array of disturbed areas, dominated by corn, banana, sugarcane and grassland crops.
The National Park has an important diversity of mammals, including species that are currently quite rare on the Ecuadorian coast such as the jaguar, howler monkey, capuchin monkey, ocelot, trigrillo, deer, white-tailed deer, mountain dog, raccoon raccoon , tayra ferret, armadillo, rag-tail armadillo, cusumbo, coatí cucumber, anteater, guanta, guatusa, white-naped squirrel. In relation to herpetofauna, there is a species of amphibian almost endemic to the area, the frog colostethus machalilla, in addition to the snake porthidium lansbergii arcosae, also endemic, along with a remarkable diversity of other amphibians and reptiles. 21 species of bats are recorded. Sea turtles nest on the Park beaches and the humpback whale, visit the coasts, where fish diversity is also important, particularly those associated with coral reefs.
On the Isla de la Plata we find a great diversity of animal species linked to the coastal and marine ecosystem, for example, several species of gannet, including the gannet called blue-footed boobies, red-footed Alcatraz, and the Nazca gannet. Another species found here is the South American sea lion. Dolphins, such as tropical spotted dolphins can be found in the waters near the island.
Machalilla cultural resources
Machalilla National Park is rich in cultural resources, with 21 known sites representing 5000 years of human history. The PNM's wildlife diversity, in marine and land areas, is represented by 81 species of mammals, 270 birds and 143 fishes.
Achaeological evidence and sites that have been found in the area indicate that several pre-Hispanic cultures occupied this territory for more than 7 thousand years.
This area was occupied by the first farmers and hunters who later populated much of the continent. The most important cultural reference in this area and in the south of the province of Manabí, is the Manteño - Huancavilca culture (1500 BC - 500 AD).
Its inhabitants controlled and managed much of pre-Hispanic trade and exchange that existed between the north and south of the continent; and they developed the art of sailing, used large rafts and were important merchants. The chairs or thrones of stone, characteristic of this culture, seem to be an indicator of its power and importance.
Machalilla main attractions
- Playa de los Frailes: It is considered one of the few beaches that still maintains its natural characteristics. It is located between the towns of Machalilla and Puerto López. In this sector there is a path that runs through the dry forest and crosses the beaches of La Tortuguita and La Playita until reaching Los Frailes.
- Isla de la Plata: It is located 40 kilometers from Puerto López. There are five roads to explore it, observe several bird species and contemplate the cliffs of the island. In the surroundings, marine biodiversity can be observed by surface diving, mainly on the Palo Santo and El Faro reefs. The visit requires the company of a naturalist guide authorized by the park administration.
- Agua Blanca Commune: Agua Blanca is located 5 kilometers north of Puerto López; The commune maintains an archaeological museum with pieces of the Manteño - Huancavilca culture. In this area the famous stone chairs or power chairs have been found, so archaeologists consider that one of their ceremonial civic centers worked here. In the community there is a large pool of sulphurous waters where you can take a refreshing swim. The mud at the bottom of the pool also offers magnificent relaxing properties and is a comforting experience.
- Humpback whale watching: Another tourist attraction is the sighting of humpback whales, present between July and September. These mammals travel from the cold Antarctic waters to reach our warm waters, in search of adequate conditions to reproduce and have their young. Tour operators that offer boat services to observe whales, as well as visitors and tourists must follow the established rules.
Machalilla tourist facilities
- Walking trails
- Tourist signage
- Parking area
- Bathers area
- Lookouts
Machalilla tourist services
Restaurants in Machalilla and Puerto López.- Accommodation in Machalilla and Puerto López.
- Tourist guides
- Transportation from Puerto López and Machalilla
- Clinic
- Community Police Unit Parasol Rental
- Sale of handicrafts
- Sale of snack and hydrating drinks.
- Sale of handicrafts
- Parasol rental
Machalilla allowed activities
- Photography
- Walks
- Bike ride
- Camp
- Swimming
- Canoe ride
- Surface diving
- Deep dive
Machalilla recommendations
Clothing: Wear light clothing and comfortable shoes to walk on the area trails.
The whale watching season usually coincides with the cold months, so it is recommended to wear warm clothes and windbreakers.
Whale Watching: This activity takes place during the months of June to September. Operators authorized by the National Park should be contacted.

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