Saraguro Ecuador

Saraguro is one of the cantons of the province of Loja, is characterized by the authenticity of its indigenous communities, its great traditions and its beautiful lands. The name Saraguro comes from Sara which means Corn and Guro which means Pot; giving way to it being known as the place of corn or as: the land of corn.
Its inhabitants are charismatic, humble and proud of their ancestors, they are also extremely believers and mythological because in spite of the passage of time, it can be appreciated that some myths and beliefs are still conserved among the natives and peasants of Saraguro, the same ones that are manifested through the music, the story and the proverbs that are still treasured in the memory of many people of these communities. They celebrate their cantonization every March 10th.
The territories currently inhabited by the Saraguros, considered by history as belonging to the Quichua Race with affluence Colla, Aymará and Yuracaré, were geographical seat of the Avocados, conquered by the Incas.
The Land of Saraguro is fertile in which it is cultivated on a large scale and the best thing about this crop is that it is done in the traditional way without tractors or techniques with technology, the Saraguros prefer to do it with the help of livestock and a rudimentary plough.
Its inhabitants have also made Saraguro a place where is one of the best marbles in Ecuador for its quality that approaches the onyx gem desired by domestic and foreign trade.
Limits and general information about Saraguro
- Cantonal head office: Saraguro.
- Altitude: 2.520 m.a.s.l.
- Altitude range of the canton: 798 - 3.883 m.a.s.l.
- Average temperature: 13.5 °C.
- Cantonal population: 30,183 inhabitants.
- Climate: Cold and temperate.
- North: Provinces of Azuay.
- South: Loja Canton
- East: Province of Zamora Chinchipe.
- West: Province of El Oro.
- Political division: 1 urban parish, 10 rural parishes and 124 neighbourhoods (Source territorial development plan).
- Urban parish: Saraguro.
- Rural parishes: El Paraíso de Celén, El Tablón, Manú, Lluzhapa, San Antonio de Cumbe, San Pablo de Tenta, San Sebastián de Yúluc, Selva Alegre, Urdaneta and Sumaypamba.
Typical Food of Saraguro
To the south of the Equator in the province you will be able to delight yourself with a gastronomic offer of Loja.
- The guajango Drink slightly fermented that is prepared with the plant of the penco. Its preparation consists of putting the penco in a pot, bring to the boil, let it cool for a few minutes and then place it in a pitcher ready to serve.
- Chicha de jora de maíz - Traditional drink from the village of Saraguro. Its preparation consists mainly of the "jora", which is basically sprouted corn and has been used since pre-Inca times as a sacred drink, exclusive for ceremonial acts and traditional festivities of the canton.
Popular festivities of Saraguro
- Anniversary of cantonization: March 10.
- Battle performance in Urdaneta Parish: June 30.
- Pawkar Raymi: 21 March.
- Inti Raymi: 21 June.
- Kulla Raymi: 21 September.
- Kapak Raymi: 21 December.
- Parish of El Paraíso de Celén: 24th May.
- Parish of El Tablón: November 27th.
- Parish of Lluzhapa: September 21.
- Parish of Manú: May 29th.
- Parish of San Pablo de Tenta: June 29th.
- Parish of Selva Alegre: July 18.
- Parish of Sumaypamba: March 19.
- Parish of Urdaneta: June 4.
Religious festivities in Saraguro
- Feast of the Kings: 6 January.
- Corpus Christi: June
- Saint Peter's Day: 29th June.
- Religious feast in homage to Mary Help of Christians of Shindar: 24 November
Saraguro Tourist Places
- Lakes of Chinchilla
- Huashapamba Native Forest
- Virgen de Agua Santa Waterfall
- Cerro de Arcos (Arcos Hill)

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