Peguche Ecuador

Peguche Waterfalls
Peguche/chi: located in the canton of Otavalo. It has kichwa origin, "steam or vaho of sacred water that bathes from above". According to Quimbo (2013), vaho in Kichwa means sami, samay, ashnac, can be understood as synonymous with energy or power of the yacumama. (Mother Wather)
Peguche or Piguchi, is an ancient toponymy that belongs to the ancient language Cara, spoken by our grandparents Caras, who arrived to these lands from the Caribbean islands. They arrived here approximately 2,000 years ago, through Bahía de Caráquez, Manabí, and entered the Sierra through the Intag mountain range. Their great center of Irradiation in the mountain range was in the region of Otavalo and Cotacachi, tutored by our father Imbabura and mama Cotacahi, and the mamacuchas Ki Kucha, badly called Cuicocha and Imba Kucha, badly known as lagoon of Peguche, it means: " Vaho (steam) of sacred water that falls or bathes from the high". As such, the name Peguche is due to the Peguche waterfall that has always been sacred to the otavalos and surrounding villages. Pihuachi, village of arrows or darts, (Quichua language).
How to get there?
Estimated time of arrival: 45 minutes.
From the city of Otavalo, we reached the train track and followed its path to the north until we reached the community of Peguche and then we took the detour to the right that is the main track and headed to the central neighborhood of Peguche.
In your own vehicle
Estimated time of arrival: 10 minutes.
From the city of Otavalo, we arrive at the Otavalo roundabout that is at the exit, next to the Gas Station and we head north along the Pan-American Highway. We took the detour to the right at the traffic light that is at the end of the climb past the bridge, and entered Peguche.
By public transportation
Estimated time of arrival: 10 to 20 minutes
We can take a taxi in the city of Otavalo. Cost: 2 USD
In front of the terrestrial terminal of Otavalo, every 30 minutes, we can take a bus of the cooperative Imbaburapac (red bus) that goes to the waterfall of Peguche. Passage value: 30 cents.
Behind the Otavalo land terminal on Roca Street, every 20 minutes, we can take a bus from the 8 de septiembre cooperative (blue bus) to Peguche. Passage value: 30 cents.
What to bring?
- Warm clothing during the winter season
- Comfortable shoes
- Camera
Activities that can be carried out
- Visit artisan warehouses.
- Photograph
- Walking
- Community tourism.
Tips and precautions
In festive seasons be careful with your belongings.
Collect the garbage in covers to deposit them in designated places and places.

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